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Hotel Prima Cirebon

Hotel Prima berlokasi di pusat kota Cirebon, dan berada dekat dengan Stasiun Kereta Api Cirebon, Kantor DPRD Kota Cirebon, Balai Kota Cirebon, dan Alun-alun Kejaksaan.

Hotel Prima Cirebon menawarkan kemudahan akses para tamu untuk menjelajahi tempat wisata : Keraton Kesepuhan, Keraton Kanoman, Keraton KaCirebonan, Gua Sunyaragi, Wisata Religi (Sunan Gunung Jati Tomb) dan lain-lain serta keunikan dan keanekaragaman budaya, kesenian, sejarah, lingkungan alam, kuliner serta daya tarik Centra Batik Trusmi.

Hotel Prima Cirebon merupakan pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang berkunjung ke Cirebon, baik itu untuk keperluan bisnis maupun berwisata bersama keluarga.

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  • +62 231 205411
  • Jl. Siliwangi No.107, Kebonbaru, Kejaksan,
    Kota Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45124, Indonesia

Reservation / Direct Booking

  • Reservations can directly call our tel number 0231 205411.
  • Rooms are subject to availability.
  • Full payment of your accommodation costs must be paid at check-in. Can be paid at check-out as long as there is a guarantee, including KTP & SIM.

Cancellation & Changes

  • Bookings made at least 1 week before the check-in date, cancellations MUST be made 3 days before the check-in date. 3 days before the check-in date we will call back. If you cannot be contacted, your order will be canceled. Unless there is confirmation from you afterward.
  • If the reservation is made 1 day before the check-in date, 12 hours before the check-in time, we will call back. If you cannot be contacted, your order will be canceled. Unless there is confirmation.
  • Regarding changes, depending on room availability and rates on that day.

Stay rates

  • Room rates include breakfast, 21% Tax & Service, as well as various facilities that we provide, based on room type and price and per night for a maximum of 2 people.

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